Blueberry Almond Cottage Cheese
- Time: 5 minutes
- Servings: 1
- Serving Size: 2.5 ounces
- Stage: Post-Recovery (Snack)
- Cottage cheese, low-fat 2% - 1 oz or 28 grams
- Blueberries - 1 oz or 28 grams
- Almonds, sliced - 1/2 oz or 14 grams
- Mix all ingredients in a small bowl and enjoy!
*Note: Stays fresh in the refrigerator for up to 2 days (may vary depending on expiration date of cottage cheese).
NUTRITION FACTS per serving:
- Calories 120
- Protein 6 grams
- Carbs 9 grams
- Fat 8 grams
- Fiber 2 grams
- Sugar 5 grams
- Iron 3% DV
- Calcium 7% DV
- Sodium 4% DV
DV = Daily Value, Based on diet for healthy adults
Nutritionist notes: Make sure the cottage cheese you buy is low-fat, meaning 2% max of fat content. Cheese is usually not recommended due to its high fat content so for cottage cheese it is very important to purchase a low-fat one.
Tags: soy-free, gluten-free, high-protein, vegetarian, gastric sleeve, recipe
*The picture is meant for illustrative purposes and may sometimes not be representative of the serving size. For a precise serving size please follow the list of ingredients carefully, using grams as the most exact measurement.